Tagged with Nintendo

Objection! and Puzzles that cunfundle the mind

Objection! and Puzzles that cunfundle the mind

So I recently purchased on my new favorite import site, Ami Ami, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney for 3DS for the cheap, cheap price of $20.  I am a big fan of the Ace Attorney games and I started playing Layton ( the first game on DS) a few months back so I was super … Continue reading

Justification for buying a Japanese 3DS …

Justification for buying a Japanese 3DS …

Hi everyone! So I wanted to write a little post on how I justify buying new consoles, especially Japanese consoles if I already own an American one. I know a lot of people may deem it frivolous and an excessive expense, but hey, I love playing Japanese games and there are just some games that … Continue reading